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  • Use the flash cards to read the sounds at speed. 

  • Play Fred games. See examples on the Fred game sheet 

  • Read your reading book to an adult every day for 10 minutes. 

Ask an adult at home to read your library book or your bookflix book to you and answer questions about it.  

  • Who are the characters in the story?  

  • What is the problem in the story? 

  • How is the problem resolved?  

  • What is your favourite part?  

  • Was it a good ending and what makes you think that?  

  • Can you find some unfamiliar words? If so, can you work out what the word means?  


  • For handwriting look at the correct letter formation sheet to see the starting point for each letter and the handwriting sheet to find out the read write inc phrases to say as you write the sound.   


  • Can you write some simple CVC words. For example: dog, cat, peg, mat, ship, thin, sing, think 

  • Can you make your own book?  


  • Count from 1-20 and then count backwards from 20-0 you can do this by clapping, jumping, hopping etc or alternatively there are some lovely counting songs 

  • Make numeral cards 0-10 put them in a random order, then order them. Then challenge yourself with 0-20 

  • Choose a numeral card. Can you find the correct number of objects to represent the number? 

  • Choose a numeral card can you say what is one more and one less than the number.   

  • Working with numbers to 10. Can you find different ways to make a number? E.g 6 ...5 and 1,  4 and 2, 3 and 3 

  • Play a game using a dice, for example snakes and ladders.  Can you subitise the number on the dice and count the spaces accurately.  

  • Compare height, finding things that are taller and shorter. 

  • Compare length, finding things that are longer and shorter. 

  • Compare weight (mass) finding things that are heavier and lighter 

  • Explore the capacity of containers. How many capfuls of water does a container hold?  

Understanding the world 

  • Go on a nature walk. What season is it? What do you notice?  

  • Ask an adult to read a non-fiction book to you to find out something that interests you.  

Expressive art and design 

Use tools in different ways 

  • Practice cutting out pictures holding scissors correctly.  

  • Practice using cutlery for eating a meal. 

  • Make a sandwich by holding a knife correctly to cut and spread. 

  • Can you paint a picture of something that is special to you? 

  • Can you make a model out of lego or junk modelling and write a label for it?  

  • Can you make your own play dough? See the playdough recipe sheet. 

  • Try and manipulate your playdough or plasticine to make a sculpture?  

Maths Resources

Expressive Art and design Resources