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Key Stage One - Year 1

Please find listed below the home learning documents for your year group.

  1. Year 1 Home Learning Grid.pdf

  2. Y1 Maths Extension Activity 1.pdf

  3. Y1 Maths Extension Activity 2.pdf

  4. Y1 Maths Extension Activity 3.pdf

  5. Y1 Maths Extension Activity 4.pdf

  6. Y1 Maths Lesson 1-Ordering-numbers.pdf

  7. Y1 Maths Lesson 1 Answers-Ordering-numbers.pdf

  8. Y1 Maths Lesson-2-Recognising-coins.pdf

  9. Y1 Maths Lesson-2-Answers-Recognising-coins.pdf

  10. Y1 Maths Lesson-3-Recognising-notes.pdf

  11. Y1 Maths Lesson-3-Answers-Recognising-notes.pdf

  12. Y1 Maths Lesson-4-Counting-in-coins.pdf

  13. Y1 Maths Lesson-4-Answers-Counting-in-coins.pdf

  14. Year 1 READING Diary of a Mermaid.pdf

  15. Year 1 READING Dilly and the Three Monsters.pdf

  16. Year 1 READING Firey Dragon Jelly.pdf

  17. Year 1 READING Missing Unicorn.pdf

  18. Year 1 SPaG Ppt 1 A recap of the 4 sentences types.pptx

  19. Year 1 SPaG Ppt 2 4 sentence types activities.ppt

  20. ART Shape Challenge.pdf

  21. ENGLISH crayons speech bubbles sheet 2.pdf

  22. ENGLISH crayons speech bubbles sheet 1.pdf

  23. ENGLISH Year 1 Duncans Thoughts Activity Sheet.pdf

  24. KS1 Geography Activity .pdf

  25. KS1 Geography Extension Activity.pdf

  26. KS1 Geography Extension Activity Answer.pdf

  27. KS1 Geography powerpoint.pptx

  28. KS1 Music Activity.pdf

  29. KS1 Music Florence Price.pptx

  30. SCIENCE How adults grow and change.pptx

  31. SPANISH Animals Word Search.pdf

  32. ENGLISH The Day the Crayon Quit BOOK.pptx

  33. ENGLISH The Day the Crayon Quit wk 2.pptx

  34. PSHE Looking after me ppt.ppt

  35. Awesome Animals info week 3.pdf

  36. ENGLISH Homophone matching cards 1.pdf

  37. ENGLISH Homophone matching cards 2.pdf

  38. ENGLISH Homophone matching cards 3.pdf